History According to Bob

Ancient Culture, Religion and Jobs
This CD has 44 different shows running over 9 hours. All shows are in cultural chronological order. Topics include Sumerians, Han Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Indus River Civilization, Evolutionary Theory of Tomb Building, Delphi Oracle, Rise of Macedonia, Ancient beauty workers and much more.

Ancient Governments
This CD has a powerpoint presentation that had all the charts and graphs to help to visualize the ancient government podcasts. There are 17 podcasts lasting over three hours, in chronological order.

Ancient Sports
Over 4 hours of shows on various aspects of ancient sports, olympics, gladiating, and chariot racing. The podcasts are in chronological order.

Ancient Warfare
Over 7 1/2 hours of shows on including ancient Warfare, toxic honey, War animals, and the end of the western Roman Empire.

Bronze Age Civilizations: Minoans, Myceneaens and The Sea Peoples.
This CD has almost 4+ Hours of podcasts as well as over an hour of mp4 video and covers the Civilizations of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean Sea including the Minoans, Myceneans and Sea peoples. There are 38 shows covering such things as: Minoan Myths, Knossos excavations, emergence of the Myceneans, evolution of Mycenean military, Mycenean and Minoan Chariots, Intro to the Sea Peoples, Sherden, Peleset, Sea Peoples military organization. There are also 4 mp4 videos from my Traveling Professors series include: Walking tour my Mycenea, Walking tour of Knossos, Treasury of Atrius and the Treasure of Mycenea in all over an hour of video.

Bronze Age Civilizations: Troy and The Trojan War
This CD has almost 3 Hours of podcasts as well as over 40 minutes of mp4 video. There are 23 mp3 shows And 3 mp4 videos including Walking Tour of Troy, Priam’s Treasure and the Geography of Troy then and now. The mp3’s covering such things as: Myth and Politics, Life of Heinrich Schliemann, The different levels of Troy, A detailed account of the Trojan War, Iliad and Sports, Ancient Historian views on the Trojan Horse as Well as a modern explanation, plus much more.

History of Carthage Vol 1 Foundation of the 1st Punic War
This Cd has over 5 hours of shows covering Phoenicians and Rise of Carthage to Pyrrhus in Sicily. Topics include Legendary Foundation of Carthage, Wars in Sicily, Cathaginian Government, Rise and Fall of Hermocrates, Rise of Dionysius of Syracuse, Battle of Catane, Rise of Timoleon, Carthage Alone, Carthage Vs Agathocles, Description of the City of Carthage, Rome and Carthage to 341BC, Pyrrhus Arrives and a lot in between. In all there are 33 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

History of Carthage Vol 2 The First Punic War
This CD has 30 shows covering all the action from the First Punic War and the Mercenary War that followed. This CD has a total of almost 5 hours of shows covering everything from causes War Phases, Battle of Mylae, Battle of Economus, Battle of Carthage and of course the Battle of the Aegation Isles, the Peace Treaty and the Mercenary War that followed plus everything in between . The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire 1st Punic War as it passes into history.

History of Carthage Vol 3 The Second Punic War Part I
This CD has 24 shows totaling over 3 and ½ hours of listening. Some of the topics include; Illyrian Expedition, Rome Takes Sardinia, Barca moves to Iberia, Conquest of Ineria, Hannibal Takes Over, Causes of the 2nd Punic War, Hannibals Army, Hannibal Crosses the Alps, Battle of Ticinus , Battle of Trebia and much, much more. In all there are 24 shows in mp3 format on this disc.

History of Carthage Vol 4 2nd Punic War Part 2 Battle of Trebia to the Battle of Zam
This cd has over 6 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the 2nd Punic War Part 2 on 41 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Battle Lake Trasimene, Battle of Cannae, Hannibals Dilemma, War in Italy, Battle Metaurus, War in Spain, Scipio Africanus Arrives, Locrian Incident, Battle of the Great Plains, Battle of Zama plus much more.

History of Carthage Vol 5 3rd Punic War and the Destruction of Carthage
This cd has over 4 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the 3rd Punic War on 30 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Hannibal and Carthage, Hannibal and Antiochus, Battle of Cape Side, Battle of Magnesia, Death of Hannibal, Death of Scipio, Roman Politics 201 to 150 BC, Carthaginian Revival, Siege of Carthage Begins, Scipio Returns, Last Carthaginian Naval Battle, Fall of Carthage plus much more.

History of Carthage Vol 6 Consequences of the Punic Wars
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Consequences of the Punic War on 27 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Latfundia, Industry, Commerce, Political Aftermath, Extortion, Noble Factions, Pre-Gracchus Roman Problems, Decay of Roman Society, Gracchus Family, Death Tiberius Gracchus, Rise of Gaius Gracchus and Overview of the Fall of the Roman Republic 121BC to 59BC plus much more.

Julius Caesar Vol. 1 Birth To The Consulship
This CD has 21 different shows running almost 4 hours in length. All shows are in chronological order. Some of the shows include a Julius Caesar Who's Who, Marius Vs Sulla, Caesar vs Pirates, Pompey, Cicero, Caesar various runs for public office plus much, much more.

Julius Caesar Vol. 2 Conquest of Gaul
This CD has 41 different shows running almost 5 hours in length. All are in chronological order. Some of the shows include The Galiic Military, the Second Invasion of Britian, The Great Revolt plus much, much more.

Julius Caesar Vol. 3 The Civil War
This CD has 37 podcasts that run 4 hours . Some of the topics include Caesar After Gaul, March to the Rubicon, Battle Pharsalus, Caesar in Egypt, Zela Campaign, Battle of Thapsus, Battle of Munda, Caesars Four Triumphs, Plot to Kill caesar, Brutus and Cassius, Et Tu Brutus and much, much more. See the next page for full details

This CD has over 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 31 shows covering Agrippa life from 5 to 15, His life from Spain to Ides of March, Octavian vs Antony, 2nd Triumvirate, German Campaigns, Agrippa Builds a New Fleet, His Marriage, 2nd Battle of Mylae, Commissioner of Public Works in Rome, March to Actium, and the Battle of Actium plus many more .

This CD has over 4 Hours of podcasts. There are 23 mp3 shows covering His Construction of New Rome, 2nd Constitutional Settlement, Diplomatic Mission to the East, Agrippa Marries Julia, War in Hispania, the 2nd Eastern Diplomatic Mission, Death of Agrippa, Funeral of Agrippa, Legacy of Agrippa, plus much more.

This CD has over 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 25 shows covering such things as the History of Epirus, Pyrrhus Genealogy, Epirus Invades Italy, Pyrrhus on the Throne, Pyrrhus and Ptolemy , Pyrrhus the Person, Pyrrhus and the Epirate Army, Pyrrhus and the Ladies, Pyrrhus Vs Lysimachus, Pyrrhus Arrives in Italy and Pyrrhus and his Elephants plus much more.

This CD has over 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 26 mp3 shows covering:
Battle Heraclea, Battle of Asculum, Pyrrhus Trie Sicily, March to Lilybaeum, Battle Maleventum, Pyrrhus Campaihn in Macedonia, Pyrrhus Attacks Sparta, Pyrrhus Loses a Son, plus much more.

Rise Of Augustus And The Fall Of Antony & Cleopatra
This CD has 36 podcasts that run over 5 AND 1/2 hours. The CD covers everything from Caesars Assassination,Rise of the 2nd Triumvirate, Battles of Philippi, Antony and Cleopatra meeting at Tarsus, Parthian Campaign, Antony's Will, Donation of Alexandria, Antony and Cleo at Ephesus, Athens, Antioch ,preparation for the Battle of Actium, The Battle of Actium and Deaths Of Antony and Cleopatra and much much more. ALL CDs are in MP3 format.

Rise of Macedonia & Age of Alexander
This CD has over 4 1/2 hours of shows on topics from Rise of Macedonia, where Alexander is buried, and all the battles. The podcasts are in chronological order.

Roman Empire to 476 AD
7 and 1/2 hours of Roman history, in order, with shows on the Battle of Actium, gladiating, chariot racing, Julio-Claudian emperors, and theories of the fall of Rome.

The Persian Wars
This CD has 27 podcasts that run over 3 hours.This CD has 9 shows that have never been broadcast either on itunes or put up on History According to Bob The CD covers everything from the Battle of Marathon, Battle Salamis, Battle Plataea, Battle Thermoplyae, Burning of Athens, Persian Generals, Greek Army, Persian Army, Government of Athens, Government of Sparta, Government of Persia, Xerxes, Darius I and much much more. ALL CDs are in MP3 format.

The Ptolemaic Dynasty From Ptolemy I to Cleopatra VII
This cd has over 5 and ½ hours of podcasts on the Rise and Fall of the Ptolemaic Dynasty on 41 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Ptolemy I in Egypt, Death of Ptolemy I, Ptolemy II, Cleopatra I the Syrian, Berenice III, Arsinoe IV, Battle of Sctium, Donation of Alexandria, Cleopatra Vii in Exile, and Cleopatra Vii’s death plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

The Seleucid Dynasty From Seleucas I to Tigranes II
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Rise and Fall of the Seleucid Dynasty on 37 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Seleucas I, Battle of Ipsus, Campaign against India, End of Seleucas I, Antiochus I, Antiochus III, Laodice IV, Antiochus IV, Demetrius II, Queen Tryphaena, Cleopatra Selene I, and Tigranes II of Armenia plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 1: Death of Alexander to Rise of Cassander
This cd has over 5 hours of podcasts on the death of Alexander to rise of Cassander on 33 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Antipater Takes Over, Polyperchon vs Cassander, Rise of Olympias, Rise of Antigonus, Where is Alexander Buried, Who Would be King, Lamian War, The Split, Perdiccas Takes Over, Perdiccan War and Battle of Gabene plus much more.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 2: Death of Alexander to Rise of Cassander
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Wars of Alexander Successors Cassander to Rise of Lysimachus on 32 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Fall of Asander, Demetrius Vs Ptolemy, Ptolemy in Egypt, Rise of Seleucas, Campaign against India, Death of Alexander IV, Polyperchon and Heracles, Siege Rhodes 305 BC, Rise of Lysimachus.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 3: Lysimachus to the Death of Seleucas
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the final section of the Battle for the Alexanders Kingdom this final section covers Lysimachus to the death of Seleucas on 33 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Battle of Ipsus, Egypt Rules the Aegean Sea, Ptolemaic Egypt, Death of Ptolemy I, Macedonian Succession Problems, Fall of Demetrius, Seleucas Final Years and the Aftermath of the Wars of Alexanders Successors plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

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