History According to Bob

American Civil War Vol. 1
This CD has 43 podcasts dealing with the causes and background to the American Civil War from King Cotton to just prior to the shots at Fort Sumter.

American Civil War Vol. 2
This CD has 20 podcasts covering the American Civil War in 1861.

American Civil War Vol. 3
This CD has 26 different shows running over 4 and 1/2 hours in length. This covers 1862 from January 1 until June 30 of 1862. All shows are in chronological order and include Monitor vs Merrimac, Shiloh, Great Locomotive Chase, Sevens Day Campaign and a whole lot more.

American Civil War Vol. 4:
This CD has 20 different shows running almost 3 and 1/2 hours in length. This covers 1862 from July 1 until the end of the year December 31 1862. All shows are in chronological order.

American Civil War Vol. 5
This CD has 41 different shows running almost 7 hours in length. All are in chronological order. Some of the shows include The Battle of Gettysburg, Chattanooga, plus much, much more.

American Civil War Vol. 6
This CD covers the American Civil War from January 1 1864 to June 1 1864. 26 shows for a total of almost 4 1/2 hours. Some topics include CSS Hunley, Atlanta Campaign, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Sporsylvania, Battle of North Anna, Battle of Cold Harbor and the beginning of the siege of Pettersburg plus much, much more.

American Civil War Vol. 7
This cd covers the American Civil War from June 1 1864 to December 31 1864. 21 shows for a total of over 3 1/3 hours. Some topics include Battle Kennesaw Mountain, Battle of Ezra Church, Fall of Atlanta, March to the Sea, Siege of Savannah, Bummers and much, much more.

American Civil War Vol. 8
This cd covers the American Civil War from 1865 through Reconstruction to 1877. 43 shows for a total of almost 7 1/2 hours. Some topics include; Lee's Surrender, Lincolns Assassination, all the assassins, rise of the KKK, Freedmans Bureau, Presidential elections of 1868,1872,1876, Impeachment of President Johnson and much, much more.

American Indian Wars Vol. 2
This CD has 34 different shows running almost 6 hours in length. All shows are in chronological order.

American Presidential Administrations and Wives 1783 to 1860
This CD covers the Presidential Administrations from 1789 George Washington to 1860 with the end of the Buchanan Administration. There are 39 podcasts in chronological order.

Cold War Volume 1
A different type of CD with podcasts, powerpoints, and pdf of government books and pamphlets produced during the Cold War.

Cold War Volume 2
This CD has 25 different shows. Some of the shows include Strategic & Tactical Nukes, Bomber Missle Gap, Cold War Paranoia plus much, much more.

Cold War Volume 3: Europe 1945 To 1961
This CD has 23 podcasts and 1 PowerPoint in pdf format that run almost 4 and ½ hours . Some of the topics include Berlin Blockade, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, creation of the two Germanys,Khrushchev vs President Kennedy, President Eisenhowers secret weapons, U-2 Incident and a lot more.See the next page for full details

Cold War Volume 4: Asia 1945 To 1961
This CD has 16 podcasts that runs over 3 hours . Some of the topics include several shows on the French Indochina War from 1947 to 1954, Ho Chi Minhs early life, Korean War, China Goes Red, Rise of Rhee of South Korea and many other topics. See the next page for full details

Mexican War Vol 1 Causes to War Declaration
This CD has 25 shows covering the early stages of the Mexican War. This Cd has almost 4 hours of shows covering the causes, the long attempts at negotiation prior to the wars outbreak, Mexicab Problems, American Problems, Battle Palo Alto, Battle Resaca de la Palma, American War Aims and much , much more. The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire Crimean War as it passes into history.

Mexican War Vol 2 War in the West
This CD has 36 shows totaling over 5 and ½ hours of listening. Some of the topics covered include; Battle of Monterey, Battle of Buena Vista, American War Aims, Stockton Kearny War, Return of Santa Anna, Price Invades Mexico, American Logistical Issues and much, much more. In all there are 36 shows in mp3 format on this disk.

Robber Barons Vol. 1 Early Years
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Rise of the Robber Barons on 34 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Rise of Jay Cooke, Rise of Jay Gould, Rise of Andrew Carnegie, Jay Cooke and the Civil War, Jay Gould and the Civil War, Vanderbilt Expands West, Huntington and the Pacific Associates, Carnegie's Conversion, and Rockefeller in 5 Parts plus much more.

Robber Barons Vol. 2 The Erie RR War to the Death of Vanderbilt
This cd has over 3 hours of podcasts on the wild days of the Robber Barons in American History on 25 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; The Erie Railroad War, Erie Gang Vs J.P.Morgan, Gould Vs Gold, Black Friday 1869, Erie Clean-up, Trouble for Jay Cooke the Tycoon, Panic of 1873, Tennessee Claflin, Cornelius Vanderbilt Dies, plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

Robber Barons Vol. 3 The Western Railroad Wars
This CD has almost 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts and covers the battle for Western Railroad supremacy Between Gould, Hill, Scott, Huntington and Villard. There are 28 shows covering such things as: Huntington vs Scott, Hill vs Villard, The Grange, Gould and Western Union, Gould and the NYC Elevated railroad, End of the Pacific Associates and much more.

Robber Barons Vol. 4 Rise Of Industrial Combinations

Robber Barons Vol. 5 Labor Unrest Rist of House of Morgan
This CD has almost 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 27 shows covering:
Courts Vs Labor, Great Coal Strike 1902, Rise of Utility Trusts, Carnegie Steel Vertical Trust, Standard Oil Trust, Empire of Morgan, Morgan Vs US Government, Morgan Vs Hill, Morgan Vs Frick, Steel War 1900 and Reactions Against the Trusts and much more.

Spanish American War 1898
This CD has 49 different shows running over 6 hours in length. All are in chronological order. Some of the shows include What Sank the Maine?, Admiral Dewey, The Battle for San Juan Heights, The Rough Riders plus much, much more.

US Presidential Elections from 1868 to 1988
This CD has over 7 hours of shows on the presidential election campaigns from 1868 to 1988. The podcasts are in chronological order.

US Presidential Elections Washington to 1868
Over 3 hours of shows on American Presidential Elections from George Washington through the 1868. The podcasts are in chronological order.

War of 1812 Vol 1 War During 1812 and 1813
This Cd has over 6 and 1/2 hours of shows covering the actions that led up to the war of 1812 between Britain and the United States to the end of 1813 with the British in full counterattack mode. Topics include Overview of each year 1812 and 1813, chronology, US Navy vs Brit Navy, American Strategy, Hull Expedition(3 parts),Battle Queeston, Naval War in 1812, Constitution vs the Guerriere, Brit Blockade of 1813, Massacre at Raisin River, Battle Lake Erie(3 parts), Battle of the Thames and British Counterattack and a lot in between. In all there are 39 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

War of 1812 Vol 2 War 1814 Through 1815
This Cd has 39 shows covering the entire period from 1814 through the end of the War of 1812. This Cd has over 6 and hours of shows covering such topics as Battle Lundy's lane, Battle Plattsburg. Burning Washington, Fort McHenry, Battle of North Point, Indian Wars, Peace Talks, Treaty Ghent, Three Battles of New orleans, Hartford Convention and much much more. The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire end of the War of 1812 as it passes into history.

Wild West Vol. 1
This CD has over 5 hours of shows covering lawmen and outlaws with a few tough ladies tossed in.

Wild West Vol. 2
This is the second volume on the American Wild West. 31 podcasts on lawmen, outlaws and misc. Over five hours of listening enjoyment. This CD is organized alphabetically.

Wild West Vol. 3
This CD is the third volume of the Wild West Series. I have separated the "ladies" of the wild west for your enjoyment as well as including podcasts that I have done on some of the wild towns of the area. This CD has a little over 3 hours of podcasts and 2 video podcasts. The video podcasts are of Fort Kearny and Fort Smith. This CD is organized in alphabetical order.

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