History According to Bob

American Revolution Vol. 1 Age Of Unrest 1763 To 1775
This CD has 35 podcasts that run over 8 1/2 hours. The CD covers everything from the end of the French and Indian War to Lexington and Concord.The topics include the History of Tea, Boston Massacre from both sides, Boston Tea Party, Sons of Liberty, Letters from the Continental Congress, Intolerable Acts and all kinds of topics inbetween. A must have for anyone studying the American Revolution.

American Revolution Vol. 2 1775 From April Through December
This CD covers the fighting from Lexington and Concord to the invasion of Canada. 33 shows for a total of over 6 hours of listening. Topics include; Lexington and Concord, Capture of Fort Ticonderoga, 2nd Continental Congress, Siege of Boston, Know Expedition, the Invasion of Canada and much much more.

American Revolution Vol. 3 1776
This CD covers the events of 1776 from the attack on New York through to the Battle of Trenton with lots in between, 25 shows over 4 hours of listening. Topics include; Burning Norfolk, Nassau Expedition, Fr Am Relations 1776, Battle Long Island, Battle for Manhattan and Battle of Trenton with much more in between.

American Revolution Vol. 4 1777 The year of Saratoga
This Cd has over 4 hours of shows covering 1777 in the Anerican Revolution. Topics include British Plan for 1777, Howe's Plan, Battle Brandywine, Fall of Philadelphia, Battle of Germantown, Burgoyne Campaign, Death Jane McCrea, Battle Bennington, Battle Sarartoga, Conway Cabal and Valley Forge 1777to 1778 and a lot in between. In all there are 24 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

American Revolution Vol. 5 1778 & 1779
This Cd has 28 shows covering the entire period from 1778 through 1779 in the American Revolution. This Cd has over 4 and ½ hours of shows covering such topics asValley Forge, Clinton Takes Over, Battle Monmouth, Arrival of the French, John Paul Jones, Native Americans in the Revolution, British Strategy and the British move to the Southern Colonies. The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire Am Rev 1778 through 1779 as it passes into history. These shows have the list of sources for the podcast

American Revolution Vol. 6 1780
This Cd has 28 shows covering the entire period from 1778 through 1779 in the American Revolution. This Cd has over 4 and hours of shows covering such topics asValley Forge, Clinton Takes Over, Battle Monmouth, Arrival of the French, John Paul Jones, Native Americans in the Revolution, British Strategy and the British move to the Southern Colonies. The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire Am Rev 1778 through 1779 as it passes into history.

American Revolution Vol. 7 1781-1783 Wars End
This cd has over 3 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the End of the War of American Independence on 25 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; American Situation Spring 1781, Cornwallis and Clinton, Battle Green Springs, De Grasse in Virginia, Battle Chesapeake Cape, Yorktown Defenses, Yorktown Five Parts, Wars End, Diplomacy, Loyalists and Article of Confederation plus much more.

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