History According to Bob

History of Carthage Vol 1 Foundation of the 1st Punic War
This Cd has over 5 hours of shows covering Phoenicians and Rise of Carthage to Pyrrhus in Sicily. Topics include Legendary Foundation of Carthage, Wars in Sicily, Cathaginian Government, Rise and Fall of Hermocrates, Rise of Dionysius of Syracuse, Battle of Catane, Rise of Timoleon, Carthage Alone, Carthage Vs Agathocles, Description of the City of Carthage, Rome and Carthage to 341BC, Pyrrhus Arrives and a lot in between. In all there are 33 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

History of Carthage Vol 2 The First Punic War
This CD has 30 shows covering all the action from the First Punic War and the Mercenary War that followed. This CD has a total of almost 5 hours of shows covering everything from causes War Phases, Battle of Mylae, Battle of Economus, Battle of Carthage and of course the Battle of the Aegation Isles, the Peace Treaty and the Mercenary War that followed plus everything in between . The shows are all numbered in the order they were shown on History According to Bob so you could just turn this CD on and listen to the entire 1st Punic War as it passes into history.

History of Carthage Vol 3 The Second Punic War Part I
This CD has 24 shows totaling over 3 and ½ hours of listening. Some of the topics include; Illyrian Expedition, Rome Takes Sardinia, Barca moves to Iberia, Conquest of Ineria, Hannibal Takes Over, Causes of the 2nd Punic War, Hannibals Army, Hannibal Crosses the Alps, Battle of Ticinus , Battle of Trebia and much, much more. In all there are 24 shows in mp3 format on this disc.

History of Carthage Vol 4 2nd Punic War Part 2 Battle of Trebia to the Battle of Zam
This cd has over 6 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the 2nd Punic War Part 2 on 41 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Battle Lake Trasimene, Battle of Cannae, Hannibals Dilemma, War in Italy, Battle Metaurus, War in Spain, Scipio Africanus Arrives, Locrian Incident, Battle of the Great Plains, Battle of Zama plus much more.

History of Carthage Vol 5 3rd Punic War and the Destruction of Carthage
This cd has over 4 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the 3rd Punic War on 30 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Hannibal and Carthage, Hannibal and Antiochus, Battle of Cape Side, Battle of Magnesia, Death of Hannibal, Death of Scipio, Roman Politics 201 to 150 BC, Carthaginian Revival, Siege of Carthage Begins, Scipio Returns, Last Carthaginian Naval Battle, Fall of Carthage plus much more.

History of Carthage Vol 6 Consequences of the Punic Wars
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Consequences of the Punic War on 27 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Latfundia, Industry, Commerce, Political Aftermath, Extortion, Noble Factions, Pre-Gracchus Roman Problems, Decay of Roman Society, Gracchus Family, Death Tiberius Gracchus, Rise of Gaius Gracchus and Overview of the Fall of the Roman Republic 121BC to 59BC plus much more.

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